Gingerbread House Dollar Store DIY Before And After

Dollar Store DIY Mini Gingerbread House

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Gingerbread House Dollar Store DIY

If you are on Facebook and are in any Dollar Store Crafting groups you have seen this adorable DIY. You can find these little plastic homes in the holiday section at Dollar Tree for $1.25 each. Once I saw how others were turning them into cute gingerbread houses I had to try. I have two teen daughters who love crafting and this was right up our alley. Thanks to all the wonderful people who are sharing their crafts online to give everyone else the idea and ambition to create too!

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Here are what some of the houses we picked up look like before painting them. They have various houses to create a little village like a bed and breakfast, home, ski lodge, church, and more.

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You can use brown acrylic paint to paint them all over to give them a base coat, but I went with a can of spray paint for better ease. It was a little tricky because I only wanted to spray paint them once and be done…and there’s a lot of over hangs and nooks. My impatience definitely wins a lot when we craft, but that’s okay and I covered most of the houses with the spray paint in one coat. That’s a win for me, lol.

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I used acrylic white paint and a tiny paint brush to go in and outline the windows and trim. Then added little detailing like hearts and swirls around as well. Then add some snow dripping off the roofs and around the doorsteps. There are some possibilities with these little houses for such cute designs!

Gingerbread House Dollar Store DIY Before And After

This is such a simple DIY craft that turns these little holiday villages into cute little gingerbread houses perfect for any home decor.

Items Needed: 


Gingerbread House Dollar Store DIY

We had a blast creating on these and even went back to grab a second set of them so we can paint more of them. It’s a fugal cheap craft that anyone can do. It can be a little tedious trying to get the tiny details on the little house, but it’s fun nonetheless. You could maybe try using paint pens to add the detailing as well.

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Look at how adorable they are!!! These even have lights on the inside you can turn on and have them all lit like lights are on in the windows. They take two triple a batteries that are not included.

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Here are what some of our other houses we did looked like. We added little details and snow here and there as we saw fit. The more you do them the more ideas you come up with for detailing as you go. Have fun!

DIY Dollar Store Gingerbread Houses

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Looking for more Frugal Tips and DIY? Head on over here to check out the everything frugal and here for the DIY!





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