You Know You’re a Couponer When…

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you know you're a couponer when

You can definitely tell when someone is a couponer! Some things us couponers do….quite funny! I asked other couponers to fill in the blank when I asked them in my Facebook Coupon Group, “You know you’re a couponer when ____.” Here is what they had to say:

Theresa: You find coupons hiding in every pocket of your purse and wallet

Tina: Your kids know not to ask for something without starting the question with, “do you have a coupon for….?”

Anna: Your friends and family need shampoo and they come shop at your house before going to the grocery store.

Jennifer: You bring your coupons with you on vacation so you can take advantage of sales at stores in other states that you don’t have at home.

Kristina: Your kids ask you for something and you tell them no because you don’t have a coupon for it!

Katricia: You dream about next hauls, wake up and jot an idea down.

Irene: You tell your husband you have to just grab something quick from the store and you disappear for hours at Target.

Elizabeth: You look in other peoples basket to see if u have an extra coupon for any of their items…..spread the love!!!

Audrey: You tell the next person in line behind that you might be awhile and show them your stack of coupons.

Jennifer: You make one last trip on Saturday before the deal is dead.

Have one to share with us? We would love to hear! Please leave it in the comments below and I can add it to the list! Join our facebook group to see what others are saying!

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