5 Things Couponers Say

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5 Things Couponers SayIf you are a couponer, then one thing is for certain. You say some things that only a couponer would say! Below are what I think to be the most common phases couponers use. What do you find yourself always saying?

1. I have a Coupon for that!

This has to be one of the most common phases. Am I right? Out shopping and someone reminds you that you need tissues, but you can’t buy it now. You have a coupon for that at home!

2. I got that for Free!

Come on…you know you love to share with the world how you got that jar of sauce or tube of toothpaste for free after using coupons.

3. How much did you pay for that?

You know you ask your friends and family members how much money they spent on items you see around the house or maybe even when they mention they went shopping. You use coupons and expect that everyone you know uses them as well.

4. Where are my Coupons?

Okay. Please tell me that I am not the only one that misplaces a coupon or two. Somehow those precious pieces of paper come up missing. If that’s the case you may find your self running frantically through out your home yelling, “where are my coupons?”

5. You can go ahead of me.

That’s right. You’re in the checkout lane. You know you have tons of coupons and even maybe a couple transactions to do. So why not be nice and let the people behind you go first to avoid a long wait. Shoot, sometimes it can be a long wait with just 5 coupons!


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