A Personal Note: Update on My Family Life

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a personal note

Hey Everyone! I wanted to share some new things going on in my life. This may effect how often I am online, so I felt I should share them with you. Many of you might recall me taking a few breaks earlier in this year due to personal issues and such. Fast forward to a month ago from there. My oldest child has a lot of anxiety issues. She has been having a great school year this year. Much better going to school and having good days. Then her teacher went out on maternity leave. That big change set her back quite a bit. Since then we have had many struggles in regards to school. Many struggles I won’t bother to bore you with here. But, in the end we have decided this week that it is in her best interest to temporary do homeschooling. I have a feeling though that we may end up doing it full time in the end. As you can imagine, this is a big change for any household. I have been busy these past couple days figuring out everything I need to do, gather, and start. Typically my days are free flowing and I can get on here and share deals and do what ever it may be online. Now I will be homeschooling my oldest while my youngest will continue to go to preschool. I imagine my days will be much more busy, don’t you?! 😉 🙂

As far as My Momma Taught Me goes – nothing much will change. I will still be sharing deals when I can, and matchups will continue as be. You just may see less from me online. I’m hoping to figure out a schedule that will allow me to work online still. I’m imagining that I will be working nights again (like I did back in the day, lol). I just felt like I would share what’s going on with me with all of you. 🙂 Often many times I think about sharing personal stories online and think to myself – well…who wants to read that here. LOL 🙂

If you happen to be local and have any homeschooling advice for me, I’d love to hear about it! I’m excited for these changes, and look forward to seeing some changes with my child.

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