Another Coupon Swap!! At the Greece Ridge Mall!
Another Coupon Swap!!
When: May 18th
Where: Greece Ridge Mall
Time: 11:30 am (roughly) till whenever 🙂
Thinking Food Court! 🙂
Need Directions? Click Here
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Have you ever wished you had more coupons to use at the store but don’t want to spend all that money on a lot of papers every week?? Well then maybe a Coupon Swap is the thing for you!
What is a Coupon Swap??
A coupon swap is where a bunch of people get together and trade the coupons they are not going to use with the people who can use them!
There are so many coupons we all don’t personally use that others could! So this is perfect, and you get to meet with me we can also chat the deals, tips on couponing, organizing, and more!
So let me know if you are interested in attending one! Just comment below if you are, the are you wish to have one held, and how many people you know may be interested in attending. I am currently working on places and dates. Here are the locations I currently am thinking:
Let me know If you have one to add and we can set it up! I am thinking coffee houses, cafes, or anywhere a group can meet and hang out! Let us know
Thanks! I’m excited to trade, chat, and meet some new people!