Behind the Scenes – Where Kristy Tells All – All About Photos
Behind the Scenes – Where Kristy Tells All
Truth is there is a lot that goes on with blogging. A lot of things that you don’t see, don’t know about, and don’t hear about.
I thought it may be fun for all of you to see a glimpse into what my days are like. I will be sharing with you little tid bits that I think of off the top of my head. Typically this stuff just comes to me as I go. I was sitting here thinking how I wanted to re do my side bar (that is the images/links on the right side of my website page). So I decided to create a few new images and move things around. Back to school deals are starting and I wanted a button for you all to find the deals in one spot easily.
So, I spend a lot of time on images. I mean A LOT of time. Sometimes I have to use 2 or 3 programs just to get what I want to work out the way I have in mind. I seriously can go through like 20 fonts before I choose the one I want. Then color. I have to decide on what color works good. I tell ya…sometimes I get mad at myself because I can take so long on them!! Before I know it an hour has gone by and all I accomplished was some playing around with some images?! Seriously?? Yup. That’s what happens.
Then taking the actual pictures…my goodness. The angle, the light, etc, etc. It’s hard especially when you are on time restraint and just want to use your iphone because it’s the easiest way to get the pictures up and going. Then sometimes I’m like ohh what’s the big deal Kristy, it’s just going on Facebook LOL
Do you wanna know how long it took me to create the images I did for my current giveaways?? I have no clue, but I can tell you I hurried and snapped them before we left to go camping so I had them on my phone. Then I had to find the phone app that would work best for what I wanted. After that I had to mess around a bit with font, borders, colors, etc. Finally I had the look I wanted. Then I had to do that to all the other pictures I had for my giveaways. Boy o Boy!
I think need like a professional photo guy to help me “whip” em up 24/7 when I need them! HAHA