Our Little Elf – Day 2

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little elf day 2

Our Little Elf – Day 2

Yesterday the girls and I made the classic count down paper chains to Christmas Day. I thought it would be perfect to have our Little Elf be hanging from them in the living room 🙂 Of course my 5 year old daughter just loved waking up and searching for him. My two year old hasn’t looked for him yet. So far so good with the ideas (I’m two for two now….22 more to go! LOL)

What has your Elf been up to?


  1. Ashley

    Our elf made her way onto my daughter’s dresser with a card that said 23 days left until Christmas who have you helped yet. Her response was she wanted to go give the kids who don’t have toys all of hers.


    1. Kristy

      How cute! That’s such a great response <3


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