Wegmans Bin Deals as of 6/7/16

Wegmans Bin Deals

Wegmans Bin Deals as of 6/7/16

Here are some of the items you can find in the bins up front by the registers at Wegmans. These can vary from store to store. Below is the available coupons matched up. Keep in mind that to watch the sizes and varieties. Often, the items offered in the bins are not included in with the coupons.

This time I had my hubby take the pics, so there are not many 😀 LOL

crest protein bin

Crest Toothpaste, {well I can’t tell which variety it is or the size, sorry!} – $0.99

Pure Protein Bars – $0.99  Continue reading “Wegmans Bin Deals as of 6/7/16”