The Way He Loves Me
Another year has come and as I sit and reflect on the prior years it is always clear to me how blessed I am. I am always thankful every day for the life I have, but on special occasion days are the time I reflect. Today is our 8 year wedding anniversary. Wow, eight years married and ten years together and I can hardly believe it.
When you sit and think of the years that past and the person you were back then often you never could imagine where you would be in those future years. Even now I am not entirely sure where I will be or how I will feel. The years have a way of changing a person. Over time our experiences have effects on us that have the ability to alter the way we may think or feel about situations.
Meeting my husband was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Sounds cliche, maybe, but nonetheless very true. Over the years he has shown me how to be a better person just by loving me and supporting me. Letting someone fully love you and nurture you in life can be hard and sometimes scary. Let him love you. Once you do anything is possible. Often times I need to tell myself this as a reminder, even after all these years.
He is my husband – He is my soulmate
Those words are powerful to me. There is no one I respect and honor more than my husband and I know that the feeling is mutual. We have a wonderful relationship and I know a lot of that comes from us both having a great foundation of love that we were taught by example. Both our parents have been married for over twenty years. They have taught us if anything, that marriage is work. It’s not easy at times, but it is rewarding. Nothing in life is easy. I am thankful that I have a man in my life that is willing to work at our relationship over the years and make it work.
A man that can pick me up when I am feeling down.
A man that can make me laugh at the drop of a hat.
A man that can love me when I don’t want to be loved.
A man that is there for me supporting me in anything I do.

We love fishing, camping, and genially spending time with each other. every. day.
Because of the way he loves me I believe it has brought out the best of myself. I have learned it’s okay to change and okay to let my guards down. I love my husband with all I have to give. My love only grows each and every day. I can’t imagine what our life may be like years from now, but because of the way he loves me I know we will be together and all will be fine in life.
I am ever so thankful and proud for the man he is and the man he has become over the years. Always there to support me and our two kids. He is an amazing husband and father. I am so grateful for what I have. I know that we have grown together over the years and will continue to only grow closer over the years. Sometimes I can chuckle because even after all these years when he is at work or gone all day, I cannot wait for him to come home so we can just be together.
Here are some pictures from our Special Wedding Day, eight years ago today!
“The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”