Are Making New Year’s Resolutions Worth it?

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making new year's resolutions
It’s the end of the year. The time when everyone reflects on their experiences from the past year. The time when everyone thinks of the goals they want to achieve for the next year to come.

Do you make resolutions for the next year to come? Or do you find them to be silly?

Some years I have thought that making a resolution was pointless. Why do I need to make such a huge life goal just because the year is changing? Does making these resolutions help me gain anything? 

The answer should be yes. Making a news years resolution should help you gain perspective and encouragement. Making any life goals is something you should always do. Who cares if it happens once a year or more often than that. The point is that you should take charge of your own life! Create a plan, some goals, and ways for you to help with achieving said goals.

Don’t let yourself be talked out of moving forward in life and making great positive changes in your life!


One of my goals for 2016 is to be more focused on my work. That doesn’t mean I want to spend more time online. It means that I want to be organized and have a plan with where I want to move forward in life pertaining to my own professional standards.

I also plan on working more on my self. This is something that I think often about, but rarely achieve. I need to take more time for myself and take care of my own well being. I think exercising and eating more healthy along with some “me” time will work wonders for me!

How about you? What are your goals or visions for the year to come? Are you making a New Year’s Resolution?


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