There is a new coupon to save on Dole. You can save $0.75 off off 2 Dole Canned Fruit. Here are some deals you can get using this coupon.
There is also a Checkout 51 Offer available when you buy 2 Dole Caned Fruits. If you are new to Checkout 51 you can get FREE $5 when you sign up and redeem your first offer (for limited time). This makes for a GREAT deal! Check it out below!
Tops Markets
Dole Canned Mandarin Oranges, 8 oz – $1.69
$0.75 off off 2 Dole Canned Fruit
Pay $0.94 each wyb 2
Get Back $0.75/2 Checkout 51 Offer (limit 2)
Final Cost – $0.57 each wyb 2
Dole Canned Crushed Pineapple, 8 oz – $1.29
$0.75 off off 2 Dole Canned Fruit
Pay $0.54 each wyb 2
Get Back $0.75/2 Checkout 51 Offer (limit 2)
Final Cost – $0.17 each wyb 2
Dole Pineapple Slices, 20 oz – $1.59
$0.75 off off 2 Dole Canned Fruit
Pay $0.84 each wyb 2
Get Back $0.75/2 Checkout 51 Offer (limit 2)
Final Cost – $0.47 each wyb 2
Dole Mandarin Oranges, 15 oz – $1.59
$0.75 off off 2 Dole Canned Fruit
Pay $0.84 each wyb 2
Get Back $0.75/2 Checkout 51 Offer (limit 2)
Final Cost – $0.47 each wyb 2